CLC offers a variety of services to address the language needs of your community or organization. How can we help you?

Language Justice
Welcome To The New Scheduling Feature
At the Community Language Cooperative, we are constantly seeking better solutions for our clients. Please take a moment to learn about our new scheduling feature.
Simultaneous interpretation can be achieved with special audio equipment that allows interpreters to interpret what speakers are saying as they are talking. The interpretation is experienced in real-time, with no interruption to the flow of conversation.
Consecutive interpretation occurs when a person speaks then pauses to allow for the interpreter to repeat what has been said in another language. Everything is said in both languages, everyone can hear the speaker’s voice, inflection and even emotion during the speech or presentation.
Whether it’s simultaneous or consecutive interpreting, CLC provides professional, quality interpretation into all represented languages.
Language Justice Training
Training can be provided to your community or organization to achieve an understanding of Language Justice. A practice used in social justice movements to create shared power, practice inclusion and dismantle traditional systems of oppression that have traditionally disenfranchised non-English speakers.
CLC will translate all documents related to your organization’s needs for outreach and information that needs to be shared with your non-English speaking audience. We will translate flyers, announcements, websites, forms, surveys, checklists, summaries, agreements, agendas and powerpoint presentations or any other document and we will ensure that the formatting of your original document remains intact.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I request interpretation?
How do I enable interpretation for my Zoom meeting?
What languages do you interpret for?
How do I submit a translation request?
Please email Jose at for a quote and timeline on your project.